Sunday - the day of rest! Ha! that is assuming you can rest - or at least breathe enough to rest! Isn't it just typical - I am back at work tomorrow and the cold I have been fighting all week is developing into a full blown chest infection! Not enough to get antibiotics yet but I know me and tomorrow morning there is an excellent chance it will be there. I have decided in advance that if it is I am taking 2 nights off work. I am over killling myself for work when I know I should rest and let's be honest here - it's better finacially for me to have Monday and Tuesday off than to work through until I am too sick and have to have the weekend off and miss out on those penalty rates! But with any luck it won't be an issue - fingers crossed!
Anyway... I have been reading blogs - just skimming through a few. Its interesting how different they can be. I was kind of looking to see if I should be doing anything different and so far the only thing I have discovered is there is no set way - what ever works for you is good. So I will keep going. I guess it is a bit self-indulgent - I mean who really cares what I think apart from me and a few friends. Then again, writing has always been cathartic for me so why not!
No great thoughts today - but the day is young. I am off to scrapbook and possibly seperate some boys who are arguing. Apparently yesterday's little conflict is not over, but if they throw eggs at my house again - there will be hell to pay. Once - I talk to the parents (which I did), twice - I am going to the police! Should be an interesting day :) I will let you know!
Feeling of the Day: I will get back to you - depends what happens ;)
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