School holidays can be such fun, especially when out of the 3 weeks of holidays I am working nights for 2 of them!
Actually I enjoy the holidays, when I am not trying to sleep. I love being able to spend time with Lachie and do the things we usually just don’t have time for.
A couple of days ago we decided to take a trip into Sydney. Note to self: check weather forcast and take appropriate rain gear!
Yes, you guessed it, it rained. From the time the train pulled away from the station until half way home again. It was that deceptive kind of rain that looks like mist until it actually hits you and suddenly you realise it is raining quite heavily. Unfortunately the realisation comes too late and you (or in this case we) were already wet.
But despite the rain, and the cold, we had a good time. The train was on time and we got a seat. The same happened when we got the next train and even onto the ferry that took us across to Manly. The weather was just wild enough to make the part that crosses the heads nicely rough but not so much to make it scary.
We arrived in Manly and that’s when the flaw in the whole plan became obvious! From the ferry to the aquarium is a 10 minute walk, a nice stroll on a sunny day, a looong way in the rain!
Manly StationThe aquarium in the distance
almost there
The aquarium itself is small but good and an appropriate number of photos were taken
rock fish
and then it was time to go back the way we came and yes, of course, it was raining even harder! Maccas seem called for when we got back, especially as fish and chips on the Corso (boardwalk near the beach) no longer seemed like a good option and then as the rain had stopped we decided to look around for a while. That lasted a good 5 minutes before the heavens opened up again and suddenly going home again seemed like the perfect option.
the aquarium from the ferry
The weather had gotten a little wilder, making the ferry trip back even more fun, and fortunately the trains co-operated all the way home. A quick shower and suddenly it all the misery was forgotten and only the fun parts remained!
Cockatoo Island
Almost back
Cockatoo Island
Almost back
Despite the miserable weather we had a great time. Sometimes those kinds of things actually make it more memorable and yes, even fun. It will always be the day remembered as ‘when we went to Manly and it rained’ and with distance I am sure will become an even more enjoyable day. Sometimes those times you least expect turn out to be the best - if you let it! The best part for me was I got to spend the day with Lachlan, something that as he gets older will become less and less frequent and now he will have something to write about on the first day back at school for the obligatory ‘What I Did in the Holidays’ essay.
Song of the Day: 'This is Sydney'
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