Today I have been brave. I have posted the link to this on my Facebook profile. I didn't ever think I would write a blog but if I did my intention was to keep it private and use it like a diary. Then I thought about it some more and decided if I want to become a published writer - as opposed to a writer which is something I have been as long as I can remember - then I had better get used to other people reading what I write. So here is is - 'Thinkings of Me' is now officially available to be read. I hope I can think of something to say - most days if not every day. I can hear people who know me sniggering - will she find something to say!! When has that ever stopped her before. Good point I guess lol
I have decided that it is time to stop sitting back and hoping my book (or whatever) will just write itself. I have decided it is time for me to do something to show I am serious. So this is step two. Step one was when I applied to be a writer on Suite 101 and to my amazement, and I have to admit total delight, after them reading my application I was accepted. Feel free to have a look, and even better click on any ads that look even a little interesting because when you do, I get paid! Only a few cents but hey! it all helps ....
And the next step - I have enrolled in a seminar next week about writing and getting published. All I have to do now is actually write lol - well, write more ... and actually get something finished. But I will. My plan is to write every day. I am putting time aside like it is a job. This blog counts as writing and as well as I will be continuing on with my 'Journey' and trying my hand at more fiction. Practice makes perfect you know. Of course work does tend to interfere a bit but I will be doing my best.
With you all the way on that, good luck (not that you need it) and I will nag you appropriately! ;-) xx
HI Shirl, good look with the seminar next week, wish you much happines with your writ'ing - looking forward to see a book with your name as the author one day.....;) xoxo
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